MOFI Features

Mar 26, 2021


Mofi farming, Mofiswap, Mofi NFT , Mofi Starter

Mofi farming, you can lock your LP tokens to a business of your choice and gain Mofi.

here you will have lots of choices, but you can use MOFI-BNB for example.

MOFISwap allows users to be Liquidity Provider, Farming, Staking, Exchange, Bridging Assets across chains.

MOFI NFT: You can add your own nft tokens to the nft tab and sell these nft tokens at auction or fixed price. The platform will add Mofi nft tokens as incentives and offer them for sale.

Mofi Starter: It aims to ensure that your ideas can find funds in a decentralized way.

Mofi Starter, which has been implemented in order to enable new projects to receive funding from decentralized and in cooperation with different networks, will help your project find funds through public or private sales.



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