10 may Mofi Project renewed goals and strategies.

2 min readMay 10, 2021


Mofi Starter & Mofi NFT

We are planning to implement the initial derivatives such as IDO, IFO, and SHO with Mofi.finance through the Mofi Starter project. According to our goals, we plan to start the Mofi Starter project in 2021 Q3.
But until this date, starter projects can apply. We can organize some important events for them. Airdrop etc. We plan to provide great support to the events and Starter projects before they start.
The first Starter airdrop was edited for Jaguar Swap and the airdrop has ended.

Applications for sterter: hello@mofi.finance

Detailed information about the token or LP tokens you need to hold in the starter project is stated in the following article:

We started to work in the fastest way to bring the MOFI NFT project to life. As an example, we targeted the Rarible project. We are trying to make additions that will increase the user experience.
We are waiting for your suggestions to increase the user experience.
MOFI NFT will be implemented in 2021 Q3.

Application for recommendations: hello@mofi.finance

For Mofi Finance, we have increased the APYs and we are trying to balance the Mofi supply by turning to burn more coins. Thanks to the high APYs, you will now earn much more in Farming.

Some Information About the New DOFI Token.

The main purpose of DOFI is to ensure that you do not need BNB to join Mofi Starter. DOFI will make it the easiest way to get LP Token. MOFI-DOFI Exchange Begins on pancakeswap.
Additionally, by investing in MOFI-DOFI Farming, you can own LP tokens and earn MOFI.


MOFI_DOFI LP: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/add/0x984D3E9906ef5F3e44576140cD0cf649ba1bEFa8/0x6043FC8833bB436a456c46386b10de22e81a2326

SWAP: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6043FC8833bB436a456c46386b10de22e81a2326



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